Aug 10, 2016

Feedback, Input & Comment

工作上有三個單字 feedback, input 與 comment ,常常交替使用 (interchangeable) ,但究竟在什麼 context 之下用、該怎麼用,我並沒有掌握得很好,於是本週上英文課之前特地發了訊息要求我的美籍老師為我解惑,他也幽默地回我: OK. I look forward to giving you my feedback, comments and input regarding these terms..

先從 feedback 講起,這個字當名詞時,字典上定義是:
  1. advice, criticism etc about how successful or useful something is,
    例如:How can I provide feedback without making someone angry?
  2. a very unpleasant high noise, caused when a microphone is too close to an amplifier

input 這個字當名詞時,定義是:
  1. information that is put into a computer
  2. ideas, advice, money or effort that you put into a job or activity in order to help it succeed
  • I need your input on what to have for dinner.
  • She provided some valuable input at the start of the project.   
  • The computer gets its input from a keyboard or mouse.
  • This VCR has several audio inputs.
  • The job will require a considerable input of money.    
  • The data is ready for input into a computer.
這個字用途很廣,可以用在時間、金錢的投入或想法、建議的提供,重點是希望某事能夠「成功」 ,在商業英文中,是一個正面的好字。

最後是 comment 這個字,當名詞時指的是 an opinion that you express (say or write) about someone or something,是個中性字,詢問意見或看法。例如:
  • Does anyone have any questions or comments?
  • I don't want any comments on/about my new haircut, thank you!
  • It was just a casual comment, I didn't mean it to be taken so seriously.
  • I suppose his criticism was fair comment (= a reasonable opinion).
  • The tutor's comments on my work were very apt and to the point.
  • Her ridiculous comments provoked an outburst of anger from the boss.
  • He made some derogatory comment about her appearance.
  • The Minister was unavailable for comment last night.
有時候當你不想回答某人的問題時,你也可以直接說 No comment. 沒意見

結論是,這三個字比較起來,我好像比較喜歡 input ...明天開始好好利用它!