Jul 26, 2015


這個禮拜英文課討論的素材取自哈佛商業評論HBR網站,一篇由Jack Zenger與Joseph Folkman所寫的文章:7 Things Leaders Do to Help People Change,學到幾個好用法:

要改變人們的行為很難,努力往往得到反效果居多,例如 rupturing the relationship, diminishing job performance, or causing the person to dig in their heels (= dig one's heels in) 抵死不從。


首先是對於改變幾乎沒有影響的兩種行為 (had little to no impact),讀者可以省省力氣,別做了。
  1. 濫好人 Being nice.
  2. 碎碎念 Giving others incessant requests, suggestions, and advice. (亦稱為nagging
  1. 鼓舞他人 Inspiring others.
    我們通常會用兩種作法來激勵他人改變,包括「推力」與「拉力」。There are two common approaches that most of us default to when trying to motivate others to change. change. 前者是典型的 “hand in your back”,不斷地強迫告訴對方要改變、不停地提醒,甚至威脅如果不改變會有什麼後果(通常無效)。後者(拉力)包括與員工一起設定理想的目標、探索其他可能完成目標的方法 exploring alternative avenues to reach an objective,探詢他人意見、看看有什麼更好的方式可以成事等。當你能夠找出他人的個人目標並將這個目標與你想要促成的改變相連結,拉力的效果最好。鼓舞型的領導者知道創造情感連結 emotional connection 的重要性,他們想要誘使員工想做,而不是害怕去做。另外也有人會用曉之以理的方式,解釋改變背後的邏輯,以創造理性的連結。 
  2. 覺察問題 Noticing problems.
    許多關於管理的建議都著重把個人變成更好的問題解決者problem solvers,卻忽略了解決問題之前還有「覺察」問題這個步驟 It is the ability to recognize problems (to see situations where change is needed and to anticipate potential snares in advance).
    如果不能覺察,往往很難改變。作者舉某公司為例,該公司員工常常因為危機處理得宜而得到獎賞 – rescuing projects on the brink of failure, or getting a delayed product to a client just in time. 直到一位新來的主管發現,這些危機處理並不是大家認真工作,其實代表流程出了問題。
  3. 清楚的目標 Providing a clear goal.
    The farmer attempting to plow straight furrows selects a point in the distance and then constantly aims in that direction. Change initiatives work best when everyone’s sight is fixed on the same goal. Therefore, the most productive discussions about any change being proposed are those that start with the strategy that it serves.
  4. 質疑標準作法 Challenging standard approaches.
    Successful change efforts often require leaders to challenge standard approaches and find ways to maneuver around old practices and policies – even sacred cows(聖牛、聖獸,比喻不可挑戰之事). Leaders who excel at driving change will challenge even the rules that seem carved in stone.
  5. 讓你的判斷得到信任 Building trust in your judgment.
    This is both about actually improving your judgment, and improving others’ perceptions of it. Good leaders make decisions carefully after collecting data from multiple sources and seeking opinions from those whom they know will have differing views. They recognize that asking others for advice is evidence of their confidence and strength, not a sign of weakness. Because of their ability to build trust in the decisions they make, their ability to change the organization skyrockets. If others do not trust your judgment it will be difficult to get them to make the changes you want them to make.
  6. 要有勇氣 Having courage.
    改變往往需要勇氣,也要願意與不適共存 willingness to live in discomfort.
  7. 把改變當成優先事項 Making change a top priority.
    根據牛頓熱力學定律 Laws of Thermodynamics,動者恆動、靜者恆靜。安於現狀不做改變,是件自然不費力的事;想讓改變成功,我們必須有意識排除其他事項,聚焦在最重要的那一件。To make a change effort successful you need to clear away the competing priorities and shine a spotlight on (= to give special attention to) this one change effort. .

Becoming a change enabler will benefit every aspect of your life, both at home and in business. It will even help you to change yourself.